
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017

MindSports IO Social gaming is First and Decentralized for Intellectual Gaming

  Now I will introduce a project that is MINDSPORTS, what is mindsports? let’s see MINDSPORTS MindSports IO is a decentralized social gaming platform supported by smart contracts and Ethereal blockades for intellectual sports like chess, poker, and go. Mindspot aims to eliminate the need to trust a single host running a centralized platform. thusMindsport allows the user to host in the online game playament. In online host tournament games are given a krypto token (MIND) the amount given depends on the number of players participating in the game. And even more cool in the game we can watch the fight as well also have the option to place pre-roll and in-play bets against certain games to get additional tokens. MindSports combines the IO of the social elements of the mind-sports community with the strength of the blockchain technology, benefiting users with the use of MIND tokens in theirapplications, As all transactions take place globally, it can be publicl

MULTIBOT - Platform Trading Inovasi Baru yang Multi Fungsi dan Multi Threaded didalam Cloud

                                         Mengenal Tentang Multibot Halloo Guys !! Hari ini saya akan membahas tentang sebuh pertukaran kripto atau lebih tepatnya pasar kripto. Dimana kita ketahui bahwa pemasaran kripto sangatlah muda. Platform trading pertama kali ada didunia pada tahun 2010. untuk seluruh sejarah perkembangannya dicirikan dengan volatilitas tinggi dan kurangnya stabilitas apapun. Pasar kripto-nya merupakan salah satu pasar dengan pertumbuhan tercepat sampai saat ini. Sehingga kita ketahui nilai tukar Bitcoin meningkat secara eksponensial. Tetapi dengan kelebihannya sistem pembayaran terdesentralisasi, masih memerlukan interaksi antara pengguna tertentu untuk jual beli atau pertukaran uang kripto.  Setiap orang yang masuk ke dunia kriptografi harus berurusan dengan pertukaran. Volatilitas pasar yang tinggi memberi kesempatan untuk meningkatkan modal, namun juga menciptakan risiko kehilangan sebagian besar dari itu. Situasi pasar bi

WorldCoin as a crypto currency that supports freelance services

  What is WordCoin? The multi-functional platform allows users to transact in WORDCOIN, a crypto supported by the services available. Users can obtain interlinked services that are sufficiently united in the platform frames. Wordcoin includes crypto currency supported by the Word Expert (WE) platform. The project is equipped with services from the freelance market. That is Copywriting, Translation, SEO, SMM, ORM, thanks to the WordCoin project, you can order all these services for less than 60%, thus saving a lot of time. Excess WordCoin Quality  In WordCoin, clients or customers can choose their own criteria of the author who has the best rating. The price for the best rating is certainly based on the quality of each author. Benefits  A stock exchange is based on a price on a trading exchange and a customer does not have to pay more. Comfort  In order to maintain comfort, the exchange is done with the interface. Customers can also use additional tools and calculation

Earth Token-Give ambitions to reveal!

  what is EART TOKEN, the answer in the video!   Climate change poses a major risk to the global economy, affecting the wealth and prosperity of all citizens and nations around the world. It will have significant impact on resource availability, energy pricing, infrastructure vulnerability and company valuations. Corporate environmental sustainability efforts are no longer considered purely voluntary. Customers and shareholders alike now expect meaningful energy and emissions reductions, whilst legislators at every level are creating new regulations that require proof of compliance of climate change adaptation. The untapped and undervalued Natural Capital asset class is estimated to be worth in excess of USD $120 trillion, while specific assets represented by institutions and individuals committed to some sort of divestment from fossil fuels is estimated to reach $5 trillion in 2017. Unlocking anundervalued Asset Class:   Blockchains are clearly chan