MindSports IO Social gaming is First and Decentralized for Intellectual Gaming


Now I will introduce a project that is MINDSPORTS, what is mindsports? let’s see


MindSports IO is a decentralized social gaming platform supported by smart contracts and Ethereal blockades for intellectual sports like chess, poker, and go. Mindspot aims to eliminate the need to trust a single host running a centralized platform. thusMindsport allows the user to host in the online game playament. In online host tournament games are given a krypto token (MIND) the amount given depends on the number of players participating in the game. And even more cool in the game we can watch the fight as well also have the option to place pre-roll and in-play bets against certain games to get additional tokens.
MindSports combines the IO of the social elements of the mind-sports community with the strength of the blockchain technology, benefiting users with the use of MIND tokens in theirapplications, As all transactions take place globally, it can be publicly verified. So it is not a trick element in the game because everything is stored in the platform.


The purpose of MindSports IO is to create a “measurable, decentralized and secure” product for any transaction. The decentralized mind-based exercise platform ensures that all transactions and messages have been verified and performed on distributed, trusted, and transparent blockchain. . We strive to create a tough and vibrant community of players by providing incentives not just game participation, but also high quality user-generated content to the public.


Because Supported by Ethereal Blockchain, MindSports aims to eliminate the need to trust a single-party host running a centralized platform. MindSports provides an opportunity for users to organize their own online tournaments and games. For players to play sports and win tokens. So viewers can bet on in-play or pre-play events. And in the game is divided into three things.

Game Host: Which receives MIND tokens based on amount
participants who follow the game and the token pool.

Play Game: Challenge your opponent, discuss the game you want to play and learn more than ten
Intellectual Match.

Bet on Game: Guaranteed pre-play and in-play token betting is available for players and

viewers. so we do not just be the player just to get token but

viewers can also get tokens by bet on game

Supported by Ethereal Blockchain, MindSports aims to eliminate the need to trust a single-party host running a centralized platform. MindSports provides an opportunity for users to organize their own online tournaments and games. For players to play sports and win tokens. So viewers can bet on in-play or pre-play events



5% Security
60% Product Development
10% Marketing
10% Admin and General
15% Mindsports Tournament

Allocation of Token

70% Token Sale (35 Million MIND Token)
15% Team and Advisor
5% Foundation
THINK 5% MindSports Fight
5% Development

The Role of Decentralized Tokens Mind Sports Game Hosting and Betting

Symbol: MIND
Token Type: ERC 20 Tokens on Ethereal Blockchain
Supply: 50.000.000 MIND
Sale: 35,000,000 MIND
The Escrow Fund Fund is secured in a multi-signature escrow account
Bonus Schedule 20% of token purchase account
Emission Level No New Token will be created
Price 1000 MIND = 1 ETH
Expected Sales
December 2017 — Jan 2018
Destination Minimum 2,000 ETH
Goal Maximum 30,000 ETH

More information can visit the link below:

Official Website: https://www.mindsports.io

Writter By : vitsexy


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