PUMAPAY - Payment Protocols that are Flexible And Can Be Customized With Specific Requirements

Hallo, meet again with me, this time I want to introduce my post about the project, Pumapay, hopefully my post is very interesting to diliat, and here are the reviews:
Decentralized Vision, a blockchain company that develops payment protocols that combine the benefits of traditional billing and blockchain technologies, today announced the introduction of the PumaPay protocol; a comprehensive blockchain payment solution that provides billing mechanisms for e-commerce, online services and traditional merchants.
We offer a free block-based protocol that decentralizes transaction processing services and replaces traditional and current blockchain based billing methods. By utilizing innovative tensile contracts and contracts, we employ complex and extensive payment methods such as pay-per-Use and recurring transactions that were never previously offered as an all-in-one solution for cryptourrency.
The driving force behind our protocol is a sign of FDI. Any cryptocurrency can be converted to PMA to fully utilize the PumaPay protocol.
With PumaPay you can:
Customize billing solutions to online and offline e-commerce outlets Offer a flexible and comprehensive customer billing solution, including regular payments, pay-per-use, one-off payments, and others Eliminate brokers charging a commission of 3% -15% per transaction
Eliminate chargebacks Increase trust between customers and businesses
with increased security and intentional privacy Apply live crypto currency with the company is not an excessive level of Bank
Our job
Strong support from blockchain technology and decentralization, we recognize the gap between online billing requirements and existing blockchain solutions. Credit card processing systems are slowly becoming obsolete and should be replaced with protocols suited to the needs of fast moving, global and tech-oriented people. The economy is adjusted. Our mission is to modernize the payment processing system by creating a growing cryptocurrency economy based on the PumaPay protocol.
The PumaPay protocol developed into:

Standardize and enable comprehensive payment methods through blockchain

Decentralize the billing industry and save significant costs for different mediators

Increase the use of crypto in online and offline market to commercial level

Enable powerful launch partners to disrupt their market by creating a decentralized version of their platform
PumaPay Protocol
The PumaPay Protocol increases and facilitates the use of cryptocurrency across multiple ecosystems through a comprehensive billing solution:
Flexibility tailored to future billing needs and current
PumaPay is a flexible and customizable payment protocol with specific needs. The possibilities are endless, what can you do with PumaPay!
- Fixed
- periodic payments Periodic payments of variables
- Pay per use
- Repeat payments still
- Delayed one-off payments
A comprehensive, comprehensive billing requirement
PumaPay offers powerful, all-in-one billing mechanisms that are much more credible, efficient, flexible, cost-effective, and scalable than current billing methods.
Unique / singular
Shared payment
Security, trust and anonymity
PumaPay aims to solve corporate customer confidence issues, optimize security and protect the privacy and anonymity of its users.
Money Back Guarantee Payment
Our protocol is a flexible solution that meets all billing requirements. It allows companies to use PullContracts pre-made or customize various plug-ins and modules to create their own solutions.
PMA economy
The PMA signs support our protocol and contribute to the growth of our ecosystem. We will encourage the introduction of PumaPay tokens in the online and offline industries, focusing on e-commerce and online services. By simplifying the integration of our protocols and making FDI a de facto payment medium, we want to reach critical users, building a fast-growing crypto-flowing economy.
Our pseudo economy lies in the 5 pillars: the engine of growth
PumaPay offers incentives to businesses and service providers to use the PumaPay protocol.
Initial user
Companies from different industries have decided to integrate PumaPay solutions.
Start partner
Our launch partners will integrate the PumaPay protocols into their platforms and work with us to provide the basis for the decentralization of the entire industry through the widespread implementation of the PumaPay token.
Pride of PumaPay
As part of the support system to be developed to facilitate the introduction of PumaPay tokens, we will integrate the app as part of our wallet which will appear to companies using PumaPay tokens.
Additional service providers from third-party providers
Enable third-party companies to build the service layer alongside protocols, contribute to the PumaPay ecosystem, and create new business opportunities for businesses (eg, credit networks, security, code verification, and more). Q1 2018
Integration of PumaPay ICO
PMA Token V1.0
V1.0 with a large initial adopter
Beginning of third quarter 2018
Testing Next Generation Blockchain
Integration V1.0 with ChatMaker
Beginning of fourth quarter 2018
PMA Token V2.0
Android Wallet V2.0
SDK I (NodeJS) V2.0
Integration V2.0 with
Initial Integration Adopter Great V2.0 with
Preface Machine Reward
Beginning of the first quarter of 2019
Chrome Wallet V2.0
iOS Wallet V2.0
Integration V2.0 with ChatMaker
SDK II (Java, Python, ...) V2.0
To be updated
30%: public contributors
10%: engine growth
19%: Strategic partners and early users
5%: adviser
10%: Team
~ 3%: Reward Program & Fees
~ 20%: company
~ 3%: bonus for public contributor
Campaign Banji PumaPay

The PumaPay economy is primarily dependent on its ecosystem. Therefore, PumaPay rewards its strategic partners and early adopters with PumaPay tokens. PumaPay will publish a total of 200,000 tokens for its Bounty campaign. Anyone who wants to get a PumaPay token can include one of our social bounty programs:
Bounty Prizes
Meet our team

For more information :
WEBSITE: http://pumapay.io/
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/PumaPay/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PumaPay/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PumaPay
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PumaPay
Author :Vitsexy
My ETH : 0x41A2aF6c53d03C78722cFc4536E65559D977f90d
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